5 Ways to Get a Pay Rise

Getting regular pay rises can be impossible in some government organisations. However with these tips, even those hardened employers will give out in the end if you can show some positivity and play the long game helping and supporting your colleagues. Ultimately these tips will probably help you to enjoy your job more and earn a lot of respect from your team. Your boss will think you are a changed person.

1.      Be positive

No one likes someone that moans all the time. No one likes work, and often we don’t like some of the people we work with, but don’t let it show. Always try to turn the negative into constructive feedback. Offer to make your colleagues drinks. It’s a small gesture but often goes a long way. Above all, smile. If you are ga e to ga e with people a smile goes a long way. Ask people how they are and what you can do to help them. Be the happy positive team player your company wants you to be. Even if deep down you hate your job and the people you work with.

2.      Help each other

Supporting your team works in so many different ways. Being the type of person that is always available to answer questions and offer advice makes you invaluable to your team and this your employer. Ensure you understand not only what you are doing but also the people around tou. Take yourself out of your working remit when you have time, and offer your assistance. If you run out of work, don’t just sit and wait for the next job. Go out and find something productive to do, or speak to your colleges, and help them wherever you can. Make suggestions to working practices and have regular updates with your team to see if improvements can be made. It will shown initiative and your team mates will love you for helping lighten their load.

3.      Speak up in meetings

No one likes a meeting. No one likes back to back meetings. However if you are the voice that’s always present and always questioning and enquiring on what others are saying then you will stand out. Many people are happy to sit back in a group meeting and just say nothing until asked. This won’t work out well long term, so wake up, drink some coffee and get involved.

4.      Training

You can increase your standing within a company by learning something new, or even better by offering to share your knowledge with the team. That shows your employer strong leadership and self management. 

5.      Ask

There is a cost of living crisis. Most employers will be aware of this. It doesn’t hurt reaching out to your manager or HR dept and asking how they are going to support employees. If they say no, you can ask what you might need to do to reach the next grade. All employers should offer career progression and maybe learning that one small thing will get you to the next step in your career

Failing the above, look around and see what other jobs are available with your skill set. It might be you are being underpaid for your sector and you can highlight that to your employer. If your employer is totally closed to any discussion on career progression then you might as well put the feelers out with recruiters to see if you can get something better paid elsewhere. No harm in looking. Often the best pay rises are obtained by changing jobs.

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